Hello everyone! Welcome to my webpage! This is my first ever blog and I thought I would start off with:


Myself, I have a beautiful, 7 year old, common leopard gecko called Louigie -and a bearded dragon called Groot (Yes, guardians of the galaxy reference…),but more about him another time.

So, back to the point, what is a leopard gecko like as a pet?

·      Personally, my leo has a lovely calm temperament.
·      Most leopard geckos you will find are housed alone.
·      They are low maintenance and require little attention.
·      They are not noisy, or smelly if cleaned out every week/two weeks.
·      Although able to bite, most leo’s are known to be very friendly.
·      In the wild leopard geckos feed off of crickets and mealworms, however Louigie loves the odd treat of a waxworm!
·      They are not demanding of attention like a cat or dog, and are fine not being handled. In fact, they tend to be extremely laid back creatures and most do not mind being handled.

I do not claim to be an expert on reptiles, however I know enough about my leopard gecko that I would happily recommend one. Personally entering the world of herpetology was one of my best decisions and leopard geckos are perfect for beginners.

Goodbye for now and I'll see you in the next blog! 



  1. Hi Charlotte this is Alice that blog on your LeopardGeco is AMAZING, your sooooooooo talented.


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