Top tips when keeping reptiles

Hi everyone! Welcome back to my blog, and today I am going to be discussing my top 3 tips when keeping reptiles!

When it comes to keep reptiles, here are my top 3 tips to keeping your pets healthy and happy

1)  Spraying/Misting
I highly recommend purchasing a mister/spray pump/whatever you want to call it for your lizard, no matter what species, (except of course if you have a reptile that is sensitive to water…) as personally I use my mister to spray my lizards- and their enclosures often.

2)  Dubia roaches
Loved by my bearded dragon especially!
(Ooooh a list inside a list…how fancy!)
Relatively easy to keep
Reasonably priced for what you get

Obviously, this is just my opinion, and you will always have somebody who hates them, thinks they are over-priced, disgusting and pointless, but here is MY personal opinion.

3) Thermostats

Right, thermostats, they are LIFE savers.

In my opinion, thermostats are great! They have always helped me out in the past- and I know it is a thing that practically EVERY reptile owner has, but any beginners, whether you have a pacman frog, a blue-tongued skink or even a croc monitor! these things help every day to help you keep a healthy balance in your vivarium/terrarium/whatever.

Aaaah when you enjoy the little things (:

Hope this helped you

Leave a comment if you want me to do a blog about anything reptile related at all, I have a leopard gecko & Bearded dragon and I am very happy to share my knowledge and experiences with you all.

See you next time! 



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